We consider 12 astrological signs. Each of these signs play a specific role on the relationships we have with one another. The ascendant (lagna) talks about one’s self. The 2nd house studies the strength of one's family support. The 3rd house is for the siblings and the 4th house relates to one’s mother. The binding principle for all these relations is love and affection. That’s why pay close attention to the 5th house talking about emotions, mind, love, and affection. We all agree that marriage and a good relationship with a spouse is extremely important.





    Many couples that had a great relationship prior to the marriage didn’t pass through after. The reason is extremely simple. They had a good 5th house that brought them together in an impulsive attachment, but there isn’t a connection with the 5th and the 7th. This is why the moment they entered wedlock their relationship couldn’t sustain. We’ve seen people exchanging words like, “I love you,” and in due course of time trading harsh words with one another. Before marriage they were “made for each other” but after marriage they became “mad of each other”. Even the best partnerships may be tested on a bad day.




    Love and service attitude towards each other is the open secret for success in a long-term relationship. This is applicable for any relationship. Let’s all have the magnanimous heart of giving love to others without any expectation. Do you have that luck of finding that special person? Is the person you’re considering to get married is really that person that truly loves you? RK Astros is eager to help you study your horoscopes from a relationship perspective and could set right expectations to coexist harmoniously.





      I am interested in a girl but my parents are against our relationship. What do I do to convince my family?


      Looks like you must have a good 5th house that’s the reason someone is interested in you. However, your 5th house may have connections with your 8th house. This is the reason why you’re facing resistance. A detailed review on the horoscope is required to come up with a final conclusion on the matter.


      My husband and I got married after knowing each other for 8 years. He’s definitely a kind and genuine person. The last 2 years our relationship is not going well. Any remedies you could offer?


      Since you have mentioned your husband is a genuine and kind person we suggest that you discuss the differences in an honest way. There must be some connection to your 1, 6, 10 houses causing confusion in the marital friend. Please strengthen your 5th and 7th house lords to bring back a positive environment at home.


      Our families were involved in getting my wife and I married. Now the families are not in good terms. My wife threatens divorce. What is the way out?


      You are going through the dasa-bhukti of planets connected to the 6th house. This is why you are exposed to the divorce like tantrums. Just maintain patience and have confidence this too shall pass.


      My Sun sign is Gemini and my boyfriend is Libra. Ideally we are supposed to be good partners but in reality we aren’t. Why is there a discrepancy?


      Just looking at the Sun sign doesn’t give the complete picture about your relationship. There are 8 other planets including the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. If there are temperament issues we need to study Mars in both your charts.


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