
Chinese Astrology

You may be a follower of Western Astrology or Vedic Astrology or Chinese Astrology. There’s one thing in common in these 3 major schools of Astrology, i.e., each of them have 12 solar mansions also known as the Zodiac signs...

Western Astrology

Western Astrology is the most popular school of astrology in the present day. The reason for its popularity is due to the younger generations’ eagerness to learn. Western Astrology is also known as “Zodiacs” or Sun sign based astrology. If...


Before we embark on blogging about Vedic Astrology we wanted to present to you about the Panchang (Panchangam). Panchang is the Sanskrit name that derives from two terms: panchah (5), and anga (parts). The 5 items that a Panchang typically...

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