A person doesn’t enjoy or suffer the same results through one’s life. The 9 planets considered in the Vedic Astrology govern our lives for a certain period of time totalling 120 years. We’ve presente a table to get the dasha duration for all the 9 planets.

    PlanetDasha years
    Venus (Shukra)20
    Mars (Mangal/Kuja/Sevvai)7
    Jupiter (Guru)16
    Saturn (Shani/Sani)19
    Mercury (Budha)17

    Looking at the table it is evident that not all the planets have equal duration of the major periods (dasa/dasha). At any given time the dasa undergone by a person depends on their birth star. The planetary major periods are further subdivided into unequal parts named sub-periods (bhukti/antardasha). Here’s another table to cross compare the planetary periods in western, north Indian, and south India schools of astrology

    EnglishNorth IndianSouth Indian
    Major periodDashaDasa
    Sub periodAntardashaBhukti
    Sub-sub periodPratyantara dashaAntaram
    Sub-sub-sub periodPrana dashaSookshma

    The activities signified by the planets will fructify only during the conjoined dasha, bhukti, antara, and sookshma periods. The same planetary major period operating on two different horoscopes may not deliver the same set of results. Vedic Astrology uses the dasha-bhukti analysis for the nature of the results, and timing of the events. Get customized guidance based on your dasha-bhukti cycle.




      My friends are talking high about Shukra dasha. When will I get that dasha?


      This is a very generic question for me to answer. First off, we need to know your birth star as the sequence of the dasha is dependent on your birth star. For example, if you are born in Shravana (Thiruvonam) star 1st quarter then you may have to live at least 90 years to experience Shukra dasa. That seems to be like a long wait!


      I am starting Guru dasha next week. Can I apply for teaching jobs?


      The Sanskrit word Guru means teacher. In other words a person who’s heavily realized in knowledge. We appreciate your desire to apply for teaching jobs. Your success as a teacher depends on how strong the planet Jupiter (Guru) is placed in your horoscope, and if the planet is connected well with your 10th house.


      My son is acting very irresponsibly and has been neglecting his studies. What’s going on?


      Acting irresponsibly and being neglectful of the studies could come from bad association, and lack of motivation. If your son is going through the conjoined periods of the planets connected with the 3, 8, 12 houses then there’s a good chance for distraction, lack of motivation, and failing in his classes. We suggest that you have your son’s horoscope examined thoroughly.


      Do you see any light at the end of the tunnel for my daughter? She’s in her mid-30s and yet to get married and settle down in her life.


      To get married the conjoined periods of the planets connected with the 2, 7, 11 houses need to be in operation. The planet running the major period (dasha/dasa) should not be ill-positioned to deny the marriage. If the 6th house is strong then we do foresee significant delays in one’s marriage. We recommend that you have your daughter’s horoscope examined thoroughly.


      I have been going through a Saturn/Shani major period for the last 5 years. How many more years do I have this dasha? Will I lose all the wealth by the time I complete the Saturn dasha?


      From your question we understand that you’ve been doing well in the Saturn dasha. This is possible because Saturn may have connections to your 3, 6, 10, 11 houses. After completing the remaining 14 years of the Shani dasa you’re aligned to go through Mercury (Budha) dasa. Unless the Budha is connected to your 5, 8, 12 houses or 6, 8, 12 houses the gains that you made during the Shani dasa would remain with you. Act responsibly!


      Do RK Astros use Progression to study the timing of the events?


      Progression is the method used by the western astrologers to time the events. RK Astros uses dasha-bhukti system to study the horoscopes and timing the events.


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