
General Traits

The people born in this sign are strong, well-built, and determined. These highly energetic individuals focus on good food, and rich living conditions. Being an earthy sign they are generally known for their patience, tolerance, and accommodative nature. Mother earth vents out her anger in the form of an earthquake resulting in heavy loss to lives and property. Likewise, provoking a Taurus born could result in severe consequences. They are highly disciplined in handling finances. The persons born in this sign are well-suited for banks, financial institutions, and accounting.

Note: The content presented on this page is valid if your rising sign (ascendant) or Moon sign or Sun sign happens to be Rishabha (Taurus).

The table presented below gives you a quick overview on this sign (Rasi).

OwnerVenus (Shukra)
Constellation (stars)Kirthika 2-4 quarters, Rohini, Mrigasira 1- 2 quarters
Zodiac space (in degrees)30 - 60
Birth daysApril 20 - May 20
Exalted planetMoon, Rahu
Debilitated planeKetu
TendencyFemale, passive
Body part(s)Openings in the face: eyes, ears, nose, mouth

Monthly Predictions

Well-built and strong individuals you are. On 19-Nov-2021 lunar eclipse gets constituted in this sign. Those born in Kritika, and Rohini stars are advised to ease their mind by focusing on yoga, meditation, or taking a break from routine work. The placement of the strong Mercury (Budha) in your 5th house will make you turn towards music, and other intellectual pursuits. Working professionals could get their transfer desires fulfilled as Guru transits into Kumbha on 21-Nov-2021. Sportsmen born in this sign will be able to overcome their competitors and succeed. As your sign lord, Venus (Shukra), is in the 8th house don’t be surprised to see sudden movements, and for some people this could be reversals too. Occasional misunderstandings with your spouse are possible. Real estate owners will find prospective tenants and/or buyers to get their properties rented or sold. Students need to be attentive in their studies. 

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