
General Traits

The persons born in this sign are known for their majestic appearance. They think, act, and achieve big things. Well-disciplined, notable, and powerful personalities are born in Leo. The Sun dissipates darkness. Likewise, the Leo-born people are self-illuminant and offer illumination to the others. Leo born individuals are highly competitive in the sports and entertainment pursuits. Should the sign Leo be afflicted by the malefic planets then the person will be known for being adamant, arrogant, authoritative, and lacking empathy.

Note: The content presented on this page is valid if your rising sign (ascendant) or Moon sign or Sun sign happens to be Simha (Leo).

The table presented below gives you a quick overview on this sign (Rasi).

Constellation (stars)Magha, Pooram (Purva Phalguni), Uthram 1st quarter
Zodiac space (in degrees)120 - 150
Birth daysJuly 23 - Aug 22
Exalted planet---
Debilitated plane---
TendencyMale, active
Body part(s)Heart

Monthly Predictions

You will start the month with a low level of confidence. As you progress through the second half you see things falling in place for you. Venus is transiting in Dhanush (Sagittarius) the whole month. Those of you embarking on change of job, change of residence, etc., will see that happening this month. There is a favorable connection between the house of relationship and the marriage. That said, eligible men and women born in Simha rasi get ready for wedding bells!! Students will do well in classes. Sportsmen born in this rasi will see their efforts getting rewarded. Your words are much more powerful than what you think. So be careful while passing orders. In contrast, your compassionate words will get you an increased reputation. The business professionals may find gains trickle a bit this month. Patience is the key and continue your good work to finish the year 2021 in style. 

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