
General Traits

This sign is fully governed by the intellectual Mercury. The persons born on this sign are happy to choose wisdom over wealth. Their lives are firmly driven by the conviction that whatever is required to achieve in this world starts with intelligence. Research-driven Virgo make their decisions based on data and facts. Virgo natives are known to be multi-talented and have ability to to talk to persons belonging to any status in the society. People born in Virgo make really successful critiques, advocates, debaters, and political analysts.

Note: The content presented on this page is valid if your rising sign (ascendant) or Moon sign or Sun sign happens to be Kanni (Virgo).

The table presented below gives you a quick overview on this sign (Rasi).

OwnerMercury (Budha)
SymbolVirgin woman
Constellation (stars)Uthram 2-4 quarters; Hastham; Chitra 1-2 quarters
Zodiac space (in degrees)150 - 180
Birth daysAug 23 - Sep 22
Exalted planetMercury (Budha)
Debilitated planeVenus (Shukra)
TendencyFemale, passive
Body part(s)Waist, backbone, spine

Monthly Predictions

Logically correct and highly intellectual persons are born in this sign. Unexpected expenses are seen for most of you having a big family. Proper budgetary plan is required for those that live paycheck to paycheck. The good news is that you’ll gain from land, real estate, and international connections. Don’t expect to get much from your siblings as they are looking for help and support from you. Your children will start to show slow, but steady progress. Those with elderly fathers need to pay attention to their health and well-being after 19-Nov-2021. Avoid unwanted arguments with your spouse as your 7th house is getting weakened after 21-Nov-2021. Pay attention to details and communicate effectively. Positive results could be expected from people from different linguistic, cultural, and national origin. Students get rewarded commensurate with their efforts. 

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