Vedic Astrology studies one’s 5th house for their progeny. Volumes of astrological research papers have been published over the last several decades to identify the possible causes for the lack of progeny. Taking a step back into history there are examples of several great personalities that performed severe penances to beget a right-minded progeny. This is particularly true for the monarch families where the kings need to leave behind their heir apparent.





    There are examples where a person may be struggling to make their both ends meet being blessed with several children. On the other hand the multimillionaire is seriously concerned if his family could ever hear the child’s cry. Health, wealth, bodily fitness, and other strengths or weaknesses won’t really matter should one fail to beget a child at the right age. Peer pressure plays a significant role on both men and women for not begetting a child.




    As modern medical sciences advance, the complications in the field have grown all around. Studying your horoscopes from a childbirth perspective could help you make decisions and save you from frustrations. It would be beneficial to understand if biological conception is even possible or should the husband and wife resort to medical support, IVF, or adoption. Radha Krishna Astro Services (RK Astros) is eager to assist and offer childbirth advisory by studying the 5th house in your horoscopes.





      My son was born at my right age. After that I had 3 miscarriages. Is there any scope for a sibling to my only surviving child?


      It makes sense to study both your husband and your horoscopes from the child birth perspective. Given that you have been blessed with a son your 5th house is strong enough to give the result. We see this could be a problem with your son’s 3rd house indicating siblings. Since you had 3 miscarriages it makes sense to study your horoscope first.


      I have been blessed with three male children. Any luck for a female child in my horoscope?


      Looks like the planets connected to your 5, 7, 9 houses are all strongly connected to a male sign in your horoscope. You are going through the dasa lord that is placed in Simha in your horoscope. We suggest that you be happy with your male children and raise them responsibly.


      I am going through Guru in the 5th place from my Rasi. Why am I not getting blessed with a child?


      Although having the Guru transit through your 5th house is a good thing that doesn’t fully promise the good results. The reason is Guru is in the 12th place from your lagna. We recommend that you consider the planetary position with respect to your lagna. In your horoscope the 5th house lord is present in a barren sign and the malefic planet is aspecting the house.


      I have a Guru in my 5th house from the lagnam. Is this considered inauspicious for my child's birth


      We don’t attach importance to the general consideration. If the Guru is not conjoined or aspected by a malefic planet and if the 5th house lord is strong then the child birth is promised. A detailed study of your horoscope in the light of dasa-bhukti will help you.


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