
Sanatana Dharma is the Sanskrit word for the eternal religious principles. Modern day Hinduism derives from the principles of Sanatana Dharma. The universal understanding is God is unlimitedly merciful and powerful. The Vedas are extremely merciful as they are non-different from God. Vedas are the vast body of knowledge that comprises Rg, Yajur, Sama, and Atharva vedas. Other Vedic scriptures include, but not limited to Puranas, Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavad-Gita, Vedanta Sutras, and Srimad Bhagavatham.


The malefic influence on the 5th house, its lord, and Jupiter (Guru) could cause childbirth issues. We offer appropriate solutions based on your horoscopes, tradition, and nature.


Saintly poet, Thiruvalluvar, emphasizes the importance of education through this Thirukkural (v. 393) couplet.


Not many people know that your asset is none other than good health. In simpler terms, good health is unceasing wealth


Food, shelter, and clothing are the three ultimate necessities of our lives. Should one have sufficient wealth then taking care of the basic necessities of life becomes easier.

Mantra Chanting

Mantra chanting is recommended to calm one’s mind and help them feel satisfied with what they have.

Culinary Astrology

The food serving order is systematically arranged in the Indian cuisine.The first serving (sambhar) is made of rice and lentils to give a sense of fulfillment and energy.


The ultimate goal of the vedic scriptures is to present guidelines to all living beings. Just imagine a loving parent sets forth certain rules and regulations for their children to live happily in the household. Likewise, the Vedas hand down the prescribed duties for every living being to coexist in harmony. Those who follow their prescribed duties get pious credits and the others get punished temporarily to rectify themselves. Until one goes through the repentance there is no scope of overcoming the reactions to one’s past misdeeds.

Vedas recommend prayascitta, the Sanskrit name for atonement. This is typically done by practicing:

  • Satyam (truthful)
  • Vradha (observing fasting);
  • Dhaana (offering charity);
  • Tapasya (practicing tough vows);
  • Karuna (acting compassionately)

Many people turn towards Astrology to overcome their health issues, family issues, financial issues, and so on. The scope of this page is to explain if a true solution exists for your problems. Many of us follow an ideology, i.e. Every problem has a solution, the only thing is we are not exploring the right solution space. The solutions to your complex problems could be way too simple in the form of mantra recitation, taking medication, wearing a gemstone, etc. Please take a look at our detailed Solutions page to see where we may be of service to you.

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Astrology is the compass that gives you the direction to sail through the ocean of human life. We’re happy to be your navigator should you take the first step.

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