
According to the principles of Sanatana Dharma (contemporary name: Hinduism) the Supreme Lord has handed down the vast body of knowledge in the Vedas. Vedic knowledge covers every aspect of human life including, but not limited to, administration, taxation, science, technology, sociology, politics, martial arts, economics, medicine, etc., Just like a compassionate father to his children the Supreme Lord has mercifully given us the Vedic scriptures to help us lead a harmonious and peaceful life in this world. Astrology is a divine science offered down by the Vedas. The Sanskrit name for Astrology is Jyotish Shastra derived from the two words: “jyoti” means light, and “shastra” means principles.

The world is full of dualities, i.e., happiness or sorrow; honor or dishonor; reputation or insult; success or failure; etc. It is an open secret that the material world is a tough place to live, and everyone is working hard for their happiness. Only a miniscule percentage of the population succeed in their endeavors. Whereas the vast majority of human beings live their lives in frustration and lamentation. Everyone is endeavoring to end their sufferings, but hardly a few find the light at the end of the tunnel. Where could you get that light from? The simple and reassuring answer to that question is “Astrology”.

Per the definition, the purpose of astrology is to bring illumination to the lives of the people. Astrology helps you identify the right times to do the right things and thereby maximizing the chances of your success. Think astrology as a navigation tool to safely and successfully go through the twists and the turns of your life. The principles of astrology are accessed at the individual level through the horoscopes. We study your horoscopes to identify your inner strengths and weaknesses to recommend the best course of action. Radha Krishna Astro Services (RK Astros) is eager to make this world a better place to live based on astrology.

Take a look at the catalog of our services and choose the one that’s most appropriate to you!

Marriage Advisory

"Marriages are made in heaven". A high degree of characteristic, intellectual, and emotional compatibility is required to ensure heavenly life in today’s fast-paced material life.

Housing Advisory

Your home plays the most significant role for your reputation, financial success, professional accomplishment, and overall happiness.Choose your dream home compatible with your horoscope.

Relationship Advisory

Even the best partnerships may be tested on a bad day. Studying the horoscopes from a relationship perspective could set right expectations to co-exist.

Business Advisory

Are you on the right business? Is the time right for an investment? The answers to all those questions are invariably present in your horoscope.

Childbirth Advisory

Studying horoscopes from a childbirth perspective could help you make important life decisions. It would be beneficial to understand the nature, and timing of childbirth.

Education Advisory

We prescribe simple astrological remedies (parihaarams) to maximize educational success. Choosing the right courses well-aligned with the planetary periods would set you up for success.

Medical Advisory

Astrology predates modern medicine. Horoscope study from a medical Astrology perspective wards you off from serious medical conditions by proactively opting for lifestyle changes.

Relocation Advisory

Selecting an appropriate place to relocate based on the principles of relocation astrology helps in your success. For example, the relocation of Arnold Schwarzeneggar from Austria to the USA.

Horoscope Creation (Janam Kundali)

"Your birth horoscope is the “snapshot” of the stars and the planets at the moment you were born. Creating your birth horoscope is the first step towards clarity in your life."

Birth Chart Analysis

Like your driver’s license, or passport, your horoscope is such a vital document that holds minute details of your life. A detailed analysis of the birth chart is essential to make timely life decisions.

Drik Kanidha Panchang

Panchang is the Sanskrit name that derives from two terms panchah (5), and anga (parts). The 5 items that a Panchang typically presents are dina, nakshatra, tithi, yoga, and karana.

Horary Analysis (Prashna Shastra)

Prashna shastra provides astrological guidance to those who don’t have their birth horoscopes. In this branch of astrology the astrologer erects an horoscope at the moment a question is taken for judgment.

Child Progress Advisory

Due to the turbulent relationships between the parents, and the extended family members the children may get neglected sometimes. Study your children’s horoscope for their physical, emotional, and intellectual well-being.

Planetary Transit Analysis

This branch of astrology explicitly studies the influence of planetary transits upon one’s life. This analysis has to be done in conjunction with one’s birth chart to predict accurate results.

Sade-Sati Report (7.5 year Shani)

Saturn (Shani) takes about 2.5 years to transit a zodiac sign. From your Moon sign if Saturn transits in the 12th, 1st, and 2nd houses then you’re influenced by Sade-Sati. This is totally a 7.5 year period.

Dasha-Bhukti Analysis

The planetary major period (dasa/dasha) and sub-period (bhukti) is dependent on one’s birth star. The activities signified by the planets will fructify only during the conjoined dasha, bhukti, antara, and sookshma periods.


This is also known as solar return horoscope. Each year on your birthday the Sun returns to the same longitude as it was in your birth chart. This is astrologically significant to study the year ahead.

Ashtakavarga Chart

This method takes into consideration the 7 planets and the ascendant to make the total score of 8. Each planet gets a score when it is favorably positioned to itself, and the other entities.

Book Your Appointment

Astrology is the compass that gives you the direction to sail through the ocean of human life. We’re happy to be your navigator should you take the first step.

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