Who We Are

The heart and brain of Radha Krishna Astro Services (RK Astros) is its founder and chief astrologer Dr. K. Balasubramaniam. He prefers to be addressed by his nickname, “Balu”. He comes from a traditional south Indian family based out of Chennai (Madras), Tamil Nadu, India. With over 30 years of personal experience, and almost 90+ years of family heritage in Vedic Astrology, Krishnamurti Paddhati, Jaimini Astrology, and Vaastu Shastra (Vedic equivalent for Feng Shui) he supports the ever growing clientele of Radha Krishna Astro Services.


Childhood Hobby - Palmistry


Thanks for the exalted Mercury (Budha)! Balu was good at singing, joking, acting, mimicry, and poem-writing. However, his prominent childhood hobby was to offer predictions based on palm reading.



Balu (left) and Venkatesh (right - Balu’s older brother) in 1984.

In hindsight, what Balu playfully told his childhood pals have come true for the most part. In mid 1984, Balu and his friends were waiting for their school bus pick up.The bus was running late. Balu decided to read his friend, Vinoth’s palm. This incident was carefully observed by Balu’s grandfather, Mr. Nerur V. Subbaraman (NVS), who was accompanying his grandson to board the school bus.


Student of Vedic Astrology


Balu worked extremely hard to secure a state rank on his 10th grade exam. Per the will of providence he couldn’t achieve that high honors. The disappointment motivated Balu to explore the greatest treasure, the Vedic Astrology. The inquisitive teenager discussed with his beloved grandfather, Mr. NVS, to learn the deeper principles of vedic astrology. From the school bus incident the grandfather has already seen Balu’s interest in divine subject matter such as astrology and palmistry. Being himself a qualified electrical engineer and a passionate astrologer, Mr. NVS predicted his beloved grandson would become a promising astrologer.


Balu with his grandparents Mrs. Padmakshi and Mr. NV Subbaraman.


In addition, the affectionate grandfather predicted Balu’s terminal degree in a foreign land as early as 1991. Balu received a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Iowa State University in 2007. Prior to the PhD degree Balu was conferred with Jyotish Chaitanya, and Jyotish Acharya titles for his advanced level study/research in stellar predictive astrology. Therefore Balu made both the predictions from his grandfather come true.


Be a Good Listener and Always be a Learner


Although Astrology was Balu’s love at first sight he had to work hard to hone the skills. This was possible by Balu’s careful listening of the astrological conversations between his father, Mr. S. Karthikeyan (SK), and his grandfather. The science of astrology is not all about skills, it requires a lot of good character, empathy, compassion, integrity, and piety. Balu’s parents were fully supportive of his astrological initiatives, but under two conditions: be spotlessly clean in character, and always be eager to serve others. Balu’s dad was particular that his son not only does well in school, but also serve the world through the wonderful science of astrology.

What started as a childhood hobby for Balu has now become his life and soul. He has assisted the ever-growing clientele in the topics pertaining to marriage, childbirth, children’s education, financial issues, professional life, building construction issues through Feng Shui & Vaastu, etc. The clientele of Radha Krishna Astro Services (RK Astros) include tech professionals, venture capitalists, investors, entrepreneurs, land owners, real-estate developers & builders, university professors, families, etc from all the continents of the world.


Picture of Mrs. Renuka and Mr. Karthikeyan (Balu’s parents).



Astrology is a divine science handed down by the sages and saints from ancient India. The Sanskrit equivalent of Astrology is “Jyotish Shastra''. The word jyotish stems from the Sanskrit root word jyotih means light. Just like how the light removes the darkness, Astrology helps human beings live happily, and upon exhausting their Karma achieve liberation. The purpose of Astrology is to bring illumination in the lives of the people, i.e., to give them the solution to their problems, overcome their sufferings, and lead a peaceful and harmonious life. Radha Krishna Astro Services (RK Astros) is motivated to bring auspiciousness in the lives of the people by adhering to the principles of this Vedic science.





The importance of an astrologer is presented through an analogy. The human body is a ship sailing in the deep, dark ocean of material life. The expert captain of the ship has the required tools and techniques to safely navigate the ship to shores. Likewise, an astrologer with their expert knowledge on astrological principles, spiritual knowledge, and Karmic principles guides you through the important stages of your life. Without the guidance from an expert captain the ship may go on a meandering path or sometimes may not cross the ocean successfully. Radha Krishna Astro Services (RK Astros) humbly requests everyone to live happily and successfully by following scriptural injunctions according to one’s intellectual and psychophysical nature.




Make the vedic science of astrology accessible to anyone and everyone irrespective of their ethnic, linguistic, cultural, religious, and national backgrounds. Strive to enhance the positive results, and eliminate/minimize the negative results by offering simple, time-tested, and easy-to-follow remedies (pariharams).

Supporting Balu on his noble mission is his dutiful wife, Radhika. Countless hours of YouTube videos, batches of astrology classes, and 1000s of happy customers of Radha Krishna Astro Services (RK Astros) would not have been possible without Radhika’s unflinching support to Balu.



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Astrology is the compass that gives you the direction to sail through the ocean of human life. We’re happy to be your navigator should you take the first step.

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